– In addition to high school results and English certificates such as TOEFL or IELTS, SAT exam preparation is almost mandatory when students want to gain admission to universities in the US and Canada.

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Classification of SAT certificates

SAT has 2 different exams: SAT I (SAT General Test) and SAT II (SAT Subject Test).

SAT I is required when applying to study at a university in the US. SAT I is used to assessing students’ ability to think about language and Math.

SAT II is usually not required and is only used when applying to universities that are highly competitive when applying for admission or for scholarships. SAT II is used to assess students’ abilities in each specific subject such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Foreign Language, etc. Normally, each student will choose from 2 to 3 SAT II subjects to demonstrate the ability of major pursuits.

For more: Find SAT preparation courses

Exam structure

For SAT I:

Section Number of questions Type of questions Duration
Reading 52 sentences based on 05 passages Fill in the blank

Skim reading

Scan reading

65 minutes
Break 05 minutes
Writing and Language 44 sentences Find the errors

Edit the sentences

Edit the paragraphs

35 minutes
Math 20 sentences Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, data analysis, and statistics

Do not use the calculator

25 minutes
Break 05 minutes
Math 28 multiple-choice questions

10 fill-in questions

Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, data analysis, and statistics

Use the calculator

55 minutes
Break 05 minutes
Essay 01 essay (no score) Use comments and reasoning to answer 01 problem 50 minutes



The tests on all SAT II subjects are multiple-choice, with the number of questions depending on the subject but the same exam duration is 60 minutes.

Particularly, the subjects of language will have subjects only regular tests, there are two subjects that will have two options: the common test and the listening test.

For more: Is ACT more difficult than SAT?

The scale

For SAT I:

Reading and Writing and Language sections are calculated together and have a scale ranging from 200 to 800. Math sections have a total score ranging from 200 to 800. The total SAT I score will have a scale from 400 to 1600.


From 2016, SAT I no longer calculates penalty points for incorrect answers but SAT II still counts based on both the number of correct and incorrect sentences. The number of points deducted (penalty points) of SAT II is calculated based on the number of answers in each question:

  • Sentence has 03 answers – minus 1/2 point.
  • Sentence has 04 answers – minus 1/3 point.
  • Sentence has 05 answers – minus 1/4 point.
  • No points will be deducted for missed sentences.

The raw score of SAT II will be calculated using the formula: (Number of correct sentences) – [(Number of false sentences x (penalty points)] = Raw score

This raw score will then be converted to an 800 scale, but there is no fixed rule for this portion of the conversion, so the candidate can only estimate the point at which range and not exactly know for until official results are available.


  • Set specific score goals depending on the school’s application.
  • Plan a problem-solving practice from each part to the whole test.
  • Refer to Practice Test exams from various sources.


  • Less expensive because you only need to buy books and print self-study materials at home.


  • It is difficult for most students to get a perfect or near-perfect score without the guidance of someone who has experience in SAT exam preparation.

Exam preparation with tutors


  • Instructions on how to learn vocabulary in a scientific and easy to remember the way.
  • Instructions on solving quick problems in Maths exercises.
  • Instructions on how to read and understand quickly without ignoring knowledge.


For more: Urgent and effective SAT preparation center – A place to share all the experiences of Test Prep exams for students preparing to study abroad. If you have any questions, please contact us directly via email or hotline for free advice.
